I’ve been thinking of doing my own roundup of those who have shared really interesting methods in doing their day to day jobs in the SEO community.
There really is a lot that is shared online by SEO practitioners – and it’s always hard to follow what’s been posted online or to even remember going back and not just randomly hitting “like” on Twitter without reading through what’s actually been shared. These posts going forward will be my top picks for each of the months.
My top picks for February:
- Machine learning & Keyword Research: How to use machine learning for keyword research by Andy Chadwick.
- Heat-mapping in Google Data Studio: Custom visualisations in Google Data Studio to bring in heat-mapping by Ben Kates.
- X-Forwarded-For Header Response: Googles’ reverse IP check can be circumvented by Saijo George.
- More export features in Google Search Console: More & better data export in Search Console by Sion Schori & Daniel Waisberg from the Google Search Console team.
- BI Engine is officially out of beta: – further information from Felipe Hofa via Twitter.
- Scaling Google Indexation Checks: Using node.js to check indexation on Google Search by Jose Hernando.
- H1 experiment using Search Pilot: Are H1s neccesary for ranking? by Cyrus Shepard.
- Google using website representation vectors for classification: Latest view of a Google patent by Bill Slawski.
- Updated Screaming Frog Guide via Seer Interactive by Richie Lauridsen & Allison Hahn.
- HowTo schema mark-up: How-to mark up is eligible for Google Assistant by Google.
That’s my roundup in terms of my top picks for posts that I thought were interesting reads in February 2020!
Now to start my list for March. 🙂
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